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It may come as a surprise to some that spine surgeons dedicate more time to helping you prevent surgery rather than preparing for it. Like many areas of medicine, non-invasive treatments are often preferred over surgical options.

At Chiropractic-Works and Wellness Clinic, we emphasize the importance of spine health awareness among our patients. Ultimately, the best outcome for your spine is to avoid injuries that cause pain in the first place. Keeping this in mind, we have compiled a list of spine health tips that you can start implementing today.

Maintain a healthy weight: Every pound of body weight can exert four to five pounds of force on your spine. Even small weight gains can lead to stress on your body, especially your spine, which relies on balance along its entire length. Conditions and diseases associated with weight gain can also contribute to deterioration of the spine and supporting tissues.

Stay active: The human body is designed for movement. Being active helps to support the body's natural healing processes. You don't need to engage in intense exercise routines if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Incorporating 30 minutes of light to moderate activity, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, five days a week can help stimulate natural healing.

Water therapy: The buoyant environment of a swimming pool can be a great way to relieve stress on your spine. You can build strength in a low-impact environment without adding strain to your back. Water therapy is particularly beneficial for older individuals or those experiencing spine pain that limits traditional exercise on dry land.

Change positions: If you spend long hours sitting at work or engaging in a hobby, or if your job requires prolonged standing, it's important to introduce variety in your movements. Incorporating changes in position throughout the day can help maintain a healthy spine. For instance, if you sit most of the time, try standing up for a minute or two every 30 minutes. Consider using a standing desk or a stability ball as a chair to engage your core muscles as stabilizers for your spine. If you primarily stand, make sure to sit down periodically on a similar schedule.

Targeted stretches: Engaging in exercises that focus on improving spine flexibility and strengthening supporting tissues can help prevent back pain. Even simple stretches in the morning can prepare your spine for the day ahead and kickstart other bodily systems.

Quit smoking: In addition to the numerous other reasons to quit smoking, eliminating the vasoconstriction caused by nicotine can benefit your spinal health. Nicotine restricts blood flow, which in turn limits the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to spinal tissues. This can lead to increased inflammation and deterioration of the spine.

Lifting technique: Using proper lifting techniques is crucial to prevent back injuries. Relying on your legs to provide vertical motion, rather than rotating your spine, when lifting heavy objects can help avoid issues such as spinal disc ruptures and damage to other tissues, which could potentially result in conditions like arthritis or spinal stenosis.

If despite your best efforts you experience back pain, don't hesitate to contact us at Chiropractic-Works and Wellness Clinic. We are here to help you achieve a life free from pain. Call or click to schedule your consultation today.

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