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Sciatica Pain Treatment in Chiropractic-Works & Wellness Clinic 

Sciatica is the umbrella term that describes severe ongoing leg pain stemming from the low back or the buttock area and can spread to the thigh, lower leg and even foot. In severe cases, it may accompany symptoms such as pins and needles or numbness sensation spreading down the lower limb.

The term sciatica takes its name from the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve originates at the nerve roots of the lower back, in the spinal cord, and runs down the buttocks to the lower limbs.

Symptoms of Sciatica

  • Constant pain down one side of your leg

  • Burning, tingling sensation opposed to a dull ache

  • Numbness of the leg

  • Pain worsens when sitting

  • Pain possibly extends into the feet and toes


Common Causes of Sciatica

Below are some of the commonly believed main causes of sciatica. However, it may not be the true origin of your sciatic nerve symptoms. Our physiotherapists will work to uncover the root of your pain to provide you with the most appropriate treatment plan.

Herniated Disc

The most common cause of sciatica is a result of a herniated disc (slipped disc) when the soft inner jelly like substance leaks out and presses against, or irritates the nerve root. Other causes of the same irritation to the sciatic nerve can occur from tumors, infection around the spine, injury, or even during pregnancy.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Although it is a natural process that occurs with age, a weakened disc can irritate a nerve root from excessive micro-motion and inflammatory proteins inside the disc becoming exposed.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Another common cause of sciatica in adults is the narrowing of the spinal canal from an overgrowth of soft tissue, bulging disc or enlarged facet joints placing pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica Pain Treatment in Chiropractic-Works and Wellness Clinic

The Chiropractic-Works and Wellness Clinic has a particular interest in helping patients overcome any pain and symptoms for sciatica by offering non-invasive and nonsurgical treatment options to obtain the best possible result for you.

During a comprehensive examination of your individual symptoms, we will be able to commence a treatment plan once our spine consultant has identified the true origin of your sciatica. Some of our treatment plans may include functional exercise training, spinal joint mobilisation or soft tissue trigger point therapy.

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